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Studying can be really hard sometimes, so every little idea that can help you should always be welcomed. Try the tips below, we hope they help you focus more.

  • HAVE A DEDICATED WORK SPACE - Creating a designated workspace free from distractions will help you maintain a higher level of concentration when you study. Avoid things and places that bring distraction to your study time, eg; Tv, noisy crowd and Starbucks if neccesary

  • CREATE SMALLER TASKS- Break large tasks into smaller, manageable ones, that way; your workload will be less daunting and easier to handle.

  • BE GOAL ORIENTED - Setting specific goals and deadlines for each task will help you stay on track to finishing your work faster. This trick allows you to set your eyes on an achievable goal and once that goal is achieved, you feel accomplished and will likely to forward to achieving more.

  • BAN SOCIAL MEDIA - during study times - Eliminating or limiting the use of social media, as well as turning off your phone notifications during study times, can increase your productivity by a whooping 85%. If you must use social media, set an alarm or a time limit and don't be tempted to exceed it.

  • TAKE A BREAK - Taking regular breaks will help you rest your mind and prevent burnout.

Find some time to unwind, relax and practice some breathing and meditation exercises. These will help you feel better and perform at your best.

  • MEDITATION- Practice deep breathing, meditation or other form of relaxation techniques. These can help you to re-focus and re-align your mind towards your studies.

  • NUTRITION - When the going gets tough, maintaining a good diet can become quite hard and eating a healthy and balanced diet can be moved to the bottom of the priority list. But eating right and well could be the key to improving your studies too.

  • EXERCISE - regular exercises can help you release endorphins and in turn, reduce stress which can be a big impact on your studies.

  • SLEEP - Sleeping is often underrated and hardly taled about as one of the main reasonsstudents get stressed. Get enough sleep every night, to recharge your body and mind. It will do wonders for your physical and mental health!

  • TALK - Connect with others and talk about your feelings or any concerns you may have. You tutors and fellow trainees/students are there for you. Some might even be going through the same just never know!

If you have a day of rest or a break from your studies, below are some places you might like to visit to really let go and have fun.

  • MUSEUMS - The NATURAL HISTORY, SCIENCE AND VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUMS; are easily some of the best visitor attractions to visit in London, attracting both tourists and locals alike. Go get lost in nature, science and creativity of all kinds.

  • PUBLIC PARKS & GARDENS- Hyde park, st James park, Regents park, Finsbury park, Kew gardens and Battersea parks, are just some of the amzing green spaces found all over London. Visit with your books, blankets, laptops and a picnic basket. Nothing beats the freshness of air in a park on a spring day. Dress appropriately for the weather and carry an umbrella if you can. You are now in London mate..!

  • WALKS AND BIKE RIDES - London walks and bike rides are legendary! If you like wandering (and even getting lost deliberately) then you'll enjoy walking or riding along the many awesome paths of London. Meander through parks and gardens, enjoy scenic views and maybe improve your sleep and studies too.

  • TASTE MARKETS - Visit markets all over town and try out the different dishes and tastes on offer. Discover what makes up the demographic of the cosmopolitan city of London. You will love it and maybe, just maybe, discover a little bit about yourself too while you're at it.